Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yes, it's true I have finally started a blog. So let me catch you up on what's been going on in our family.

Dylan started walking at 6 months, we just took the training wheels off of his bike. His spanish is excellent not only can he speak it, but he can read and write it as well. Even though he is only 1, he is already teaching all the other neighborhood kids how to speak spanish.

Brandon is doing doing great! We will be enrolling him this spring in Eastman Prep, a private school for extremely gifted children. He hopes it will be more challenging than public school. He was on the local news when word got out that a 3 year old had recently read War and Peace and wrote a dissertation on it. It was so cute seeing him on camera, he so was so shy.

Kathy after watching the Olympics this summer has decided to make a change in her life. As she watched the Olympics this summer she welled up with pride with the realization that she could represent her heritage in the 2012 summer games by representing El Salvador in the 400 meter high hurdles. She is also spearheading a new club for El Salvadorian female high school students called "BELLA", which stands for Beautiful El-Salvadorian Latina Ladies Association. She hopes the club will help to boost self esteem and latin pride in these special young women.

Randy is determined to finish landscaping our backyard so he decided to take a job as a bouncer at a nightclub. He also has began training in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) hoping to be fighting in the UFC someday.

**Disclaimer: Ok, so you all know how much of a blogger I am NOT, so I hope you enjoyed this and that it made you smile. But seriously, we all are doing great!


Katie and Bryson said...

Cute blog Kathy! We've added you to our list!

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

Oh kathy...I loved it! You are too funny!

Taylors6 said...

ok seriously I am so blonde. I actually had to call Jason and have him read it and tell me if you were serious or not. ha ha ha. It's been way too long. I forgot you guys were freakin JOKERS!!!!

Laura and Joseph said...

I'm glad you've joined the blogging world. Feel free to put us on your family & friends list... you know... since we're family & we're friends.

Unknown said...

Hey your blog is cute! You are funny!

Our Family of 6 said...

So we never got to see you before you left..what the crap? Oh yeah, something about me having a baby 3 days before. Anyway, I'm sorry we (meaning me) didn't get to see you, but I'm glad you are now blogging, so that I can kind of keep up with what you guys are doing. You must call when you are down here again ( will help me get out of the house!) :)

Leslie said...

Hey Kathy! Funny. At first with the Spanish thing I was like, huh? haha. I'm going to add you to my list!

The Grimmers said...

HA! Ha!

QB Family said...

You are such a character. I can totally picture Randy fighting and you hurdling. What amazing gifted, talented munchkins you've got.

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

Kathy, Devin and I were reading this post again and laughing! Come on, you need to keep blogging, so I have things to laugh about!

Tiffany said...

Hurray you got a blog!! I am sorry we missed you this last weekend. I was sad we didn't get to see you, but it was a pretty crazy weekend. Glad you guys are doing well. I put the pictures of your kids on Stacey's computer if you want them from the beach. I can also email you them, which I have been slacking off about. Sorry> I was going to post a few on my blog, but I wasn't sure how you felt about that... figured I better not. Hope all is well! Love ya guys!

Leslie said...

Hey Kathy, I decided to go private and I don't have your email... If you want you can email me at and I'll send you an invite! Leslie

Burnhams said...

you gotta update more often :) um we went private, let me know if you want access and give me your email address so we can send you an invite :)

Hane-nahMarie said...

I don't know you, but i don't belive you. Way to make it interesting.

Hane-nahMarie said...

Yes, you have an extraordinary nephew. I wrote in tribute to him today and thought you would like to be notified.

Amanda said...

Randy and Kathy,
How are you? John and I have wondered about you often and hope you are doing well. Shoot me an email
Also, we are expecting our first little boy Nathan at the beginning of January.
Hope to hear from you guys soon.

rachelsaysso said...

Kathy, You are too funny. Las Brisas isn't the same without you.

Jewels said...

Hey Kathy! I saw this through Travis. Welcome to blogging. Feel free to check out mine if you want ideas!

The Moore The Merrier said...

You need to update this....hello its been two years!